Mannings Heath

Mannings Heath Golf and Wine Estate, combines classic English period charm, superb wines and wine tasting experiences, and live entertainment with fantastic golf. With a friendly welcome assured, there is a variety of activities throughout the year, including wine pairings, winemaker dinners, private dining, seasonal events and afternoon tea.

Tel:0871 873 3388


An old image of Henfield with a horse and carriage

Henfield Village and Common trail

Did you know that Henfield is a village that grew on a sands...
Two passengers in a plane at the Southdown Gliding Club

Southdown Gliding Club

The Southdown Gliding Club is one of the largest and fully e...
Two walkers in nature at RSPB Nature Reserve

RSPB Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve

Located within the Arun Valley, Pulborough Brooks has beaut...